Toadle Chaos
So, I'm in charge of getting mums (the plants, not the mothers) for the bima (think altar) for Simchas Torah (note that Wikipedia says there is a modest consumption of alcohol on this holiday. Whoot!). The Husband and I went to the nursery today to pick up 40 or so plants. As we were going back to the nursery after delivery number three (why did I think we could take 20 plants at a time in the PT Cruiser?) he hit a pothole and then yelped. It seems we had a little hitch hiker. A toad had jumped out of the mums and hidden in the back until we hit the pothole. Toad jumped into Husband's lap and out the window. We checked on the way back (trips number four and five, thank you very much) and he wasn't flat on the road. We hope he hopped into a nearby stream. Maybe he hopped into a passing vehicle?
On the knitting front, I have been scheduled for at least three days a week from now until the December break. I am ordering the Harmony needles!!! Whee!!
On the knitting front, I have been scheduled for at least three days a week from now until the December break. I am ordering the Harmony needles!!! Whee!!