Family Thursday
1. The Harlot is asking people to knit fruit and vegetable baby hats to support a breast feeding program in California. See her to sign up. As for my story:
When Elder Child was born I developed clots in my legs. The doctor was just about to inject iodine when the nurse asked, "Are you allergic to shellfish?" The answer is yes, according to a scratch test. That was the end of that test and the doctor was very put out that he would have to arrange for a radiation based test. The test went fine and all the clots were superficial (not life-threatening), however, due to the glow-in-the dark nature of my milk, Elder Child had to take a bottle for a week. So, for one week (after C-section, yet!) I pumped and threw away milk while The Husband fed Elder Child a bottle of formula. Elder Child's doctor said he had never seen a mother so determined to nurse. As if I had a choice. Diabetes runs (heck, it gallops) in both families and I would do anything (what mother wouldn't?) to help my child be healthier, besides, it is so much easier to breast feed than shlep bottles every where! So far (21 years) he and The Baby are symptom free.
2. The Story of Guido
We have a bird feeder in the back yard. It used to be very close to a retaining wall near the kitchen where I grow strawberries and flowers. A family of chipmunks moved into the neighborhood and claimed the fallen birdseed (and my strawberries!) as their own. One of the chipmunks (now known as Guido) started lurking under the foliage in the border and he began to kill any of the birds that ate fallen seed. Then he would leave the headless corpse on the edge of the wall as a warning to other birds. I called a friend with connections and she came back with the information that chipmunks are very territorial in the summer and will often kill birds that threaten their food supply, especially if they can sneak up on the birds. We moved the bird feeder out in the open and the birds are safe. We did, however, see a cat that lives under the garage playing with a small furry rodent. It was Guido! He is no more.
3. I have been working on de-crapifying the house and last week I was reading some back issues of the New York Times. There was a wonderful article about husband training*. The author loved her husband, but little things drove her crazy. Co-incidentaly she had to write an article on animal training. Hmmmmm...She thought, "Can I apply what I have learned about training animals to training husbands?" Why, yes, she could. To summarize: First: you must know your animal (husband). Is he a loner, or social? Is he a follower or a leader? etc. Second: what is the behavior you wish to change? Don't have him hover over you as you cook? Give him a job at the other end of the room. Third: Give positive reinforcement. A smile when he puts one sock in the hamper, a kiss when he puts in both socks and the dirty shirt. (hiding the dirty clothes under the bed and asking him if he checked the hamper when he needs a clean shirt is allowed). Fourth: Be prepared for him to catch on and use the same methods on you!
*What Shamu Taught Me About a Happy Marriage
Modern Love Column
New York Times
June 25,2006