Needle Tart

If I'm not knitting or sewing something, I must be cooking something!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Random Thursday in October

The Husband and I went shopping yesterday at an outlet and I found a sweet little jacket on the 70% off rack. When I got to the check out the sales lady said, "Oh, that should have been on the 30% off rack." Now, it was a nice jacket, but I really don't need another and $50 was a little more than I wanted to spend on something not yarn, so I said thanks, but no thanks and the lady insisted (she called me back to the register twice!) on giving me the 70% off price of $17. Now for the big question, why do I feel guilty (yes, of course I bought it. I was afraid the sales lady would hurt herself when she tackled me)?
Did you see it? Last night on Pushing Daisies, Chi McBride was knitting. Not only knitting but he used one of his knitting needles to save the day! I can't wait to see if this becomes a regular part of the series (knitted gun cozies?!?)
I did receive the harmony needles but have been working on the strikke-along vest (so far I've ripped back the back after 8 inches and the left front after 6 inches. Sigh!) so no news to report. I can't even show you a picture because I left the camera's USB at home.
Tomorrow is the long schlep home with a stop to pick up Younger Son at college (it's his fall break weekend). He will be doing the last leg of the driving so Mom can knit (so long as I don't have to use my mental powers to keep us on the road).
In looking for the post where I told about my amazing mental powers while teaching Younger Son to drive (couldn't find that) I came across a few unfinished ends. So some weaving in...
This is the front of the plantation, Oatlands. It belonged to more or less the same family from before the "War of Northern Aggression" (as it is known in the south, sorry, the South!) until sometime after WWII. Lots of interesting stuff to look at and even though it was 102 degrees the day we were there it was only about 85 degrees inside with no air conditioning! We were planning to go back and wander around the gardens this week but shopping and rain intervened. This is the picture I loaded onto the laptop.
I was complaining a few posts back about how hard it was to do fine embroidery and how I am too young to have to start giving up the things I like to do because of age (says the Dr., "Well, you are getting on. You have to expect that you will lose some ......" Fill in the blank as you choose, strength, skill, sight, BTW I am in my early 50s. When did that mark the beginning of the end?). Turns out that if you are really near-sighted that as you age your eye sight will actually improve! I needed new glasses. Things are better now. Not perfect, but a lot better! The new lenses out there are a vast improvement over the last set. Lighter and more powerful.
Next week: Rhinebeck.

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Thursday, October 04, 2007

How Long Have You Known Me?

The Husband went back south today and I am going to visit him later in the week. We spent some time before he left making lists of what I was to bring with me. Just before he walked out of the door he asked, "Did you write knitting on the list? Are you sure you will remember it?"
Seriously, how long has he known me? Then again, the Harmony needles aren't here yet. Maybe I'd better make some back up plans.......

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Monday, October 01, 2007

Strikking Along

Julie has started a strikke along. As far as I can figure, if you have ever seen a Viking (including Hagar the Horrible) or are a fan on the Viking sports team (there must be one out there somewhere) or like to gaze at Vigo Mortenson you're in. Just knit something. I choose an Elsebeth Lavold vest from Knitters. She wrote the Viking pattern books. I will be knitting it out of some cotton from the stash. It works up to the same gauge and has a nice drape. The yarn, however, is grey! As you may remember this is not one of Julie's favorite colors. Good thing she's headed for the aquavit.

In other knitting news, I had been working on a pretty aqua tank top with a lacy bottom. I wasn't all that sure about fit and turns out I was right! The top looked rather nice but the lacy bottom showed my sweet little roll 'o fat and acres of soft white skin. I spent last evening ripping out. After I had neatly woven in all the ends, of course. I searched through the back issues of Knitter's I have and I found a shell that has enough challenge to be interesting and the gauge seems to work. That will have to be on the back burner for a while as I have a vest to work on and I would like to take a cardigan with me when I go south to visit The Husband next week. Also, Younger Son's girlfriend needs something special for the Winter Extravagance Days. Let's hope I get those Harmony needles before I leave for the south......

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