Odds and Ends

Notice the two balls of roving. Apparently, I was once under the delusion that I could teach myself to spin. It is still roving. (sidebar: this weekend was a Daniel Boone marathon and watching Becky Boone spin was just pitiful. Even I knew her roving hadn't been carded properly, but Mingo looked great).
The fuschia Red Heart in the upper right corner is destined to be either a lacy Adrienne Vitadini tank top (at least I'm not fuschia colored!) or a copy of a sweater I saw in a catalog (that did not come in my size, so there!). Swatching has begun.
Remember my new car?

Yesterday, The Husband and I went to the nearest Barnes and Noble to return some things [A Subversive cross stitch calendar, funny,but foul and a skipping CD (hmmmm, Having reread that bit, I feel the need to clarify: the CD had skips in it, it didn't teach us how to skip)] and while we were there The Husband bought me this:

It has the coolest Hannukah designs in it. Usually when a book offers designs for the winter holidays they mean Christmas .......oh, and way at the end, .... a Hannukah project. This book, however, has stuff you might want to knit just for the winter and the author/editor even includes Winter Solstice.
There's a pattern from Annie Modesitt that is soooo out there, I have to try it. It is a wire and bead, knitted menorah!

In other news, Elder Son gave me an ipod for Mother's Day this year and I have been having some fun listening to podcasts. If you want to look for interesting podcasts try Pod Cast Alley . They have a great search engine and you will find lots more than through iTunes. I also found LibriVox . A place to download free books. The books have to be in the public domain, but there are many, many of them. And if you are adventurous, you can read a (approved) book into the site. How cool is that?!
Question of the week: I have a lot of pain in my right hand and have found that shaking hands with professional people is so not fun. Is there a polite way to not shake hands? So far I have tried just saying, "Sorry, I can't shake hands, I have arthritis and it hurts too much." Any better ideas out there? Thanks!