Needle Tart

If I'm not knitting or sewing something, I must be cooking something!

Friday, June 22, 2007


We're all a little swamped around here. The Husband is working about four hours away and only comes home on the weekend for the foreseeable future (on the up side, since I am now responsible for all the cooking, I've lost four pounds this week). While he is out of the house, I am trying to wrest neatness (or at least some form of organization) out of the normal chaos.
The Baby is having a house guest for the next two weeks and then is heading to the guest's home for another week. Sooooo, I'm trying to excavate the day-bed in the sewing room for said guest to have a place to sleep. It's not so much the yarn and fabric, but the ironing is threatening a hostile takeover of the second floor.
Contest? What contest? Oh, all right. Tell me the oddest place you have ever knitted. Remember that Stephanie covered the ocean and I have been knitting on the local walking track. Oddest place gets a knitting pocket, a Rowen knitting book, and some other little goodies.
Place your posts.

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Blogger Kim said...

I hesitate to admit it...but the bathroom. Honestly, knitting was the only order of 'business' - I really just needed some peace and quiet to concentrate on a critical knit-point. I highly recommend it - the knitting was accomplished successfully!

7:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've knit at both a rabbit show and a dairy goat show. Odd enough for you? lol

I get strange looks from people with their animals. :)

10:47 AM  
Blogger Amy Lane said...

On a platform boat in the middle of Lake Shasta...

Sitting on a barrier wall between a pretty stone terrace and a cliff to Crater Lake...

In line at Panda Express...

In my classroom while supervising kids working...

In the elevator at the Seal Caves...

At 17 mile beach in Monterey....

In the car during stoplights...

Nothing too exotic...

5:51 PM  
Blogger Louiz said...

How about trying to knit whilst having an epidural administered (trying to because the anaesthetist said I couldn't do that...)?

7:04 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

OK, real quick, but then I've gotta go pick up the Jujube at daycare.

When DH and I were in Honolulu on our pre-baby Last Vacation Until College Tuition Is Paid In Full, there was a bus strike. In order to see the Arizona Memorial, we had to take a private shuttle at great expense and limited schedule from our hotel to the National Park site. We got there, did our touring and memorializing, and when we were finished I parked my weary and pregnant little (hardly) butt down on a bench at the entrance to the site (any closer would be irreverant, I thought) and knitted away on Jujube's baby blanket. Even had a Japanese lady stop and help me fix a hole. I'll never forget her.

And, um, for my part... Louiz wins.

1:09 PM  
Blogger Louiz said...

I'd just like to add that I don't think mine counts because I *didn't* knit. The story goes: Kathryn was breech. She was an elective c-section because of this. I had to be at the hospital at 7am for the operation, by 9am I was still waiting (and fasting) and pulled out a sock... when they came at 11 to take me off to be done, they insisted that I not take anything (not even the sock) with me as it wouldn't be sterile. So, I wasn't knitting through labour or anything like that! Just sheer boredom.

6:11 AM  

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