Needle Tart

If I'm not knitting or sewing something, I must be cooking something!

Saturday, March 31, 2007


Take three. This time I will post in chunks(maybe that will fool Blogger) This weekend The Husband took me to Pittsburgh for the Yarn Harlot's booksigning. He did well, really well. We checked into our room and took a walk on the SouthSide. As we were walking around The Husband said it made him homesick for where he grew up and "how would you feel about living in a apartment again?"
When we got back to the B&B who do you think was sitting on the veranda? Yes! The Yarn Harlot herself!! I managed to speak to her without drooling on my shoes or throwing myself to my knees in obiescense (sp?) or anything. I even spoke in complete sentences. I don't really squee in public. I have more of the demeanor of Al Gore. The more important you are the more embalmed I seem to be. We chatted briefly and then The Husband and I left to find a little dinner for ourselves. We wound up at a place The Harlot had suggested and after tasting his dinner,called the Doublewide Grill. After tasting his dinner, Husband said, "They seem to know what they're doing here." High praise indeed.

After dinner we walked down to the bookstore where the Harlot was speaking and I settled into a seat in the back row while The Husband roved through the shelves (No. He didn't but any cookbooks. Why do you ask? He just added, "But I was tempted!") I found myself surrounded by our kind. This is a picture of Cathy and Kris (at least I hope I got the names right. I didn't write them down until I got back to the room, Bad blog writer) They are mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Cathy said she has all sons and had despaired of having someone to teach knitting, then Kris joined the family and they go yarn shopping together. There is hope for my family (years ago The Baby asked me who was going to inherit the antique furniture. I told him, "The one whose wife I like the best.") I also met Cheryl but the picture I took of her came out with more of the floor than her face (excited? Me? Why, no. Why do you ask?)We had a wonderful time in the last row naming the patterns we saw aroung us (shawls, sweaters, socks) and we even had a demonstration of the magic loop sock method. We compared yarns, too. The next post will be about the speaker and her topic..........


Blogger Cheryl said...

It's just as well that the pict didn't turn out! I am relieved. It was great meeting you. I'll post soon.

12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, look it's me. Wow, I said to Mother in law, Carol, Do you think it was weird she took our picture? And she said no, it will probably be on her blog, and look at that there we are. It was great to meet you and I will read and post often. Thanks for all the resources.

6:13 PM  

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