How To Clean A House
First, spend two weeks making this:

Pretend this is a picture of a prayer shawl with
a hand-embroidered prayer at the collar and
49 appliqued silver stars
(real picture to follow, once I trace down
the Bar Mitzvah boy and he isn't fresh from
a sporting event....)
Then think about at least cleaning the bathroom. Spend two more weeks making this:

A wedding canopy for some members of my Temple (yes, I got paid). It's totally original!! Look closely and you will see the word "LOVE" in the heart. Start at the upper left and go clockwise. If you go counter-clockwise (sort of) you will see the word "AHAVAH" (I have no clue how to get blogger-post-thingee to write in Hebrew) in silver. When the bride and groom came to my house we went through the fabric stash for colors and then on-line to look at other chuppot. There was one way more abstract than this, but both loved the idea of having "LOVE" on the chuppah. Tah-dah! The stenciling around the silver swirls says "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine." It's the same thing, only in Hebrew at the bottom.
Ah Ha! Now you can get at that whole cleaning thing.
Wait! Work every day at school and spend the evenings catching up on paper work and reading.
Now? Sure. Start with a discussion with Elder Son's girlfriend about the mold in the bathtub. "See that pink stuff? That's mold." Luckily, the mold seems to have kept the blue hair dye Elder Son and she were using (his hair and I don't ask any more) from staining the tub. Whee! Take Sunday evening to clean the upstairs and plan to finish one room a day downstairs.
Whoops! It's almost Hallowe'en and you don't have any decorations up. Bring up box and decorate. Too late to clean this week. Wait until the weekend.
Start cleaning the living room and realize that it has now been a week since you have cleaned the bathroom and we don't want any more mold now, do we?
Figure that as long as you are waiting until the upstairs is clean to start on the downstairs, you had better finish the library book that will be due next Sunday (Stephanie Plum. The Husband laughed out loud and don't we all need a little laugh?). Finish book. Decide that you deserve a little reward and bind 12 stitches off the moibus that you are knitting (I am trying a new thing. Moibus knitting, and I-cord bind off. What fun!)
See The Husband pulling up outside and jump to work. Clean the upstairs. But, wait! I know I have Youngest Niece's Hanukkah gift here somewhere. I should probably find it before I forget. While looking discover that I have all the materials to make ABC stitch markers so I can try Cat Bordhi's sock pattern, after all the moibus thing is working sooo well.
Clean the upstairs.
Time to stop for lunch.
Start cleaning the steps, entry hall, and living room. The Husband suggests a recreational break. Shazam!
Remember that the Lia Sophia lady wants a jewelery bag (that I designed for the necklace with all the different dangles) and if I finish tonight I can get it to her tomorrow.
Time for dinner.
After dinner, start putting away the Hallowe'en decorations and decide that you should blog since it's been a while.
Next update: How to finish a project in just twelve years..Labels: chuppah, cleaning, procrastinating, tallis
LOVE LOVE LOVE that canopy!!! You did an AWESOME job! What a VERY lucky couple that you made this for. I'm glad that you got paid though I know it'll never be enough. Glad to see you posted - I've been watching : ) ~ YES! Please don't misplace my Hanukkah gift! I have yours all ready and I think you're going to get it sooner than later cuz I just can't wait until February when we usually celebrate our winter festivities to give it to you. As you have probably seen my blog.. I did get the tattoo and don't worry I talked to Grandma and she said it was OK because it was tasteful and able to be concealed when necessary. That would be sooooo cool if you DID get a whip on your wrist... it could like go like all the way around like...
Love that canopy--wow! You're BUSY! (And creative--okay, the canopy thing again? Amazing!) And I"m ashamed to know what color that mold turns AFTER it's pink!
Beeeeyooootiful. Makes me wish I were Jewish and single so I could have one made for me. I can't wait to see the prayer shawl.
Absolutely beautiful.
'Tis a beautiful canopy indeed!Where do you find the time to do all of these things? You amaze me!
Oh yeah... Ahem. Hello, it's your friendly neighborhood snowperson pusher ;).
So, did you follow the link to The Yarnery yet so you can order?!?!?
If you do and they have a comments or special instructions box, you might want to tell Shelly to let Marie know you read about her online (don't need to mention the blog--they'll know where since I got permissions from them anyway) as I know Marie was excited about her patterns being blogged.
Thought I was on the last snowperson, but alas, order for one to two more. So 9 to 10 total to do. Gak! Thank goodness I'm on #8!!!
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